May 25th, 2017– The Economist MACHINE-LEARNING is beginning to shake up finance. A subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that excels at finding patterns and making predictions, it used to be the preserve of technology firms. The financial industry has jumped on the bandwagon. To cite just a few examples, “heads of machine-learning” can be found...Read More
NOTE: The Pulitizer Prize winning journalist stated I had “no comment” after interviewing me— did I not tell him what he wanted to hear? I don’t know– but at least the PBHFA got named checked! Dave Goodboy Politics At Mar-a-Lago, the star power of the presidency helps charities — and Trump — make more...Read More
A fun time was had by all at our May 11 meet & greet, deal making social. We learned about the first new condo development on Palm Beach in over a decade, networked, talked and made deals, rekindled friendships and made new connections all while enjoying world-class sushi and sipping excellent wine. We would like to...Read More