NOTE:  The Pulitizer Prize winning journalist stated I had “no comment” after  interviewing me—   did  I not tell him what he wanted to hear?  I don’t know– but at least the PBHFA got named checked!   Dave Goodboy


At Mar-a-Lago, the star power of the presidency helps charities — and Trump — make more money

May 13 at 6:25 PM–and-trump–make-more-money/2017/05/13/e6bf6782-34ca-11e7-b412-62beef8121f7_story.html?utm_term=.5162cdc06bd6

Wall Street also had a sizable presence at Trump’s club. Although the president has contended that “hedge-fund guys are getting away with murder” when it comes to taxes, his club played host to the Palm Beach Hedge Fund Association and a Distressed Investing Summit within three days of each other in March. An invitation to the summit described Mar-a-Lago as “one of the most highly regarded private lairs in the world.” Neither the summit’s organizers nor the hedge-fund association responded to requests for comment.

Palm Beach Hedgefund Association At Mar-a-Lago on Thursday, March 16, 2017 in Palm Beach, Fla.

And while Trump as a candidate argued that low-wage overseas labor was undermining the U.S. workforce, saying that “our jobs are being stolen like candy from a baby,” Mar-a-Lago seeks foreign workers to fill many jobs serving the needs of its guests, according to U.S. Department of Labor data. Records show that the Trump company filed Mar-a-Lago visa applications for 15 housekeepers (starting at $10.17 an hour), 19 cooks (starting at $12.74 an hour) and 30 restaurant servers (starting at $11.13 an hour, with no tips) to work at the club through the end of this month.

Like his old campaign rallies, many of the events at Mar-a-Lago offered Trump a refuge of adulation away from the travails of governance. At the Hab-a-Hearts Luncheon, Trump entered the ballroom to a standing ovation…..–and-trump–make-more-money/2017/05/13/e6bf6782-34ca-11e7-b412-62beef8121f7_story.html?utm_term=.5162cdc06bd6