We had an absolutely incredible evening at Mar A Lago on Thursday. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone who attended and our sponsor who made it all possible, Castle Ridge Asset Management. The feedback has been fantastic with the food, location, seminar, and staff all being world class. A small group...Read More
Hedge funds swarm into Palm Beach Influx of asset management firms is driving up commercial rents October 05, 2016 By Dan Weil The City of Palm Beach and neighboring West Palm Beach are becoming ever more attractive to alternative asset managers. Some firms that have long been based in money management strongholds like New York,...Read More
It is with great sadness that the PBHFA learns of hedge fund pioneer E. Lee Hennessee-Gradante sudden passing at the age of 64. From the Palm Beach Post She was found in her $1.6 million condo Saturday, but her identity was not immediately released by police. “Lee touched us all in a way that will...Read More
From The Real Deal By Dan Weil Palm Beach County officials are working on bringing hedge funds here from the Northeast, and it’s working, particularly in West Palm Beach and Palm Beach, giving a boost to the Class A office market and the luxury home market. “Three to four years ago we noticed CEOs...Read More
Our spring meet & greet deal making social held at Palm Beach’s iconic Tideline Ocean Resort & Spa was a tremendous success. Deal makers, hedge fund pros, traders, academics and economists mingled with investors and sponsors. We were fortunate to be graced by MarketWizard Linda Bradford Raschke and her husband Damon. Damon held court with...Read More
As if hedge funds needed another reason to relocate to Palm Beach! According to Forbes 2016 list of the world’s billionaires, 25 call the tiny island of Palm Beach home. Talk about a massive concentration of wealth! Here is a list compiled by the Palm Beach Daily New‘s Darrell Hofheinz of billionaires with connections to...Read More
Institutional Demand Expected To Continue To Drive Flows Into Hedge Funds In 2016 From Value Walk The question the industry faced entering 2015 is the same it faces entering 2016: Will institutional investors maintain their investments and continue to allocate more to hedge funds, and if so, at what rate? Our answer for...Read More
From Palm Beach Daily News By Darrell Hofheinz Daily News Real Estate Writer For the first time ever, an owner of a Palm Beach estate will pay more than $2 million in property taxes, thanks to the 2015 tax roll recently certified by the state. Luckily for him, the fellow involved has deep pockets. It’s...Read More
Our 2015/16 Season Launch Party proved to be a huge success with a wide cross section of Palm Beach and South Florida investors, hedge fundees, and financial professionals gathering to welcome the 2015/16 deal making, networking, friendship forging and socializing season with the Palm Beach Hedge Fund Association. The Norton Museum of Art graciously opened...Read More
From The Real Deal– read more here Inventory may stand at record low September 18, 2015 09:45AM By Dan Weil Prices for homes in the town of Palm Beach, both single-family houses and condos, continue to soar, as wealthy Americans and foreigners remain enamored with the beachside paradise. “People have no other place as...Read More