Jack Schwager Hunts Market Wizards

By Bailey McCann, Opalesque New York:

Noted author Jack Schwager and investment industry veteran Emanuel Balarie have teamed up to launch FundSeeder. FundSeeder operates both as a platform for traders and as a way for investors to find new emerging hedge fund managers. Jack Schwager recently sat down with Opalesque TV to discuss how FundSeeder works.

jack schwager2“I like to summarize it in one sentence – FundSeeder’s mission is to democratize and globalize the asset management world,” Schwager says. The website is designed to showcase the skill of new managers who may not even have assets to run yet. For traders who sign up, they agree to have their trades verified by the site and shown to potential early investors, or seeders, in the hopes of raising new capital.

Both Balarie and Schwager have decades of experience in alternative investments that they are bringing to the project. Schwager is on the hunt for standout traders and will use the platform to look for new talent. Those traders may end up being part of his own multi-manager product or could be paired up with other investors. Even though traders can sign up for the platform for free getting funded will still be competitive. Schwager estimates as little as one percent of the traders on the platform could end up making it into a product or to the capital introduction phase….. Read more